Abraham in the Quran

The name Ibrahim occurs 69 times in the Quran.

Surah 2 Al-Baqarah

124-127, 130, 132, 133, 135-136, 140

A few highlights of the ayats (signs) are listed below for reference. Read complete translations (preferably from 2 to 3 translators) in context to get a better understanding of the ayats (signs).

2:124 – Abraham was tested with certain commandments which he fulfilled

2:125 – Sacred house was made a sanctuary for the people

2:126 – Abraham prayed to God to make the city secure and provide its people

2:127 – Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundation of the house

2:130 – Abraham chosen in this life and hereafter; he is among the righteous (saliheen)

2:132 – Advice of Abraham as well as Jacob to the children

2:133 – When death visited Jacob, he asked his children who they would worship. They replied that they would worship God of his forefathers – Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac.

2:135 – Follow the faith of Abraham, the upright one (hanif), who was not a polytheist.

2:136 – Say we believe in God and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his descendants; what was given to Moses, Jesus and other prophets.

2:140 – Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his descendants were all Jews or Christians? God is not unaware of those who hide the testimony received received from their God.

2:258 – The one who argued with Abraham about his Lord

2:260 – Abraham asked his Lord to show him how He gives life to the dead

Surah 3 Al-Imran

33, 65, 67-68, 84, 95, 97

3:33 – God chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran

3:65 – Why do people of the book argue about Abraham when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed long after him.

3:67 – Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was an upright (hanif), a Muslim; he was not a polytheist

3:68 – The nearest of the people to Abraham are those who follow him and this prophet, and the believers.

3:84 – Say that we believe in God and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus and other prophets. (compare with 2:136)

3:95 – Say we follow the way of Abraham (millat e Ibrahim), the upright (hanif); he was not polytheist.

3:96 – The first house established for humanity was at Bakkah

3:97 – The place of Abraham (mukam e Ibrahim) – whoever enters the place should be safe. Pilgrimage to it is an obligation upon whoever is able among the people.

Surah 4 An-Nisa

4:54 – The descendants of Abraham were given the Book (kitab) and wisdom (hikmah)

4:125 – Who is better in faith than those who submit to God, do good, and follow the way of Abraham (millat e Ibrahim), the upright (hanif). God chose Abraham as a close friend (khalilan)

4:163 – Revelation was sent to Noah and the prophets after him; revelations sent to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomom; and to David a scripture (zabur)

Surah 6 Al-Anam

6:74 – Abraham said to his father Azar why he took idols for gods; surely, they were entirely misguided

6:75 – Abraham was shown the wonders of the heavens and the earth, so he would be sure in faith

6:76 – He saw a star (kawkaban) in the night that set later; he said he did not love things that set

6:77 – He saw the moon (qamara) rising and then disappearing; he said that had his Lord not guided him, he would have been one of the misguided people.

6:78 – He saw the sun (shamsa) rising and then setting; he declared to his people that he rejected whatever they associated with.

6:79 – He turned to the one who originated the heavens and the earth; he was upright (hanif) and not a polytheist

6:80 – His people argued with him

6:81 – He did not fear their associate-gods; he asked his people why they did not fear associating others with God for which He has sent down no authority.

6:82 – Those who are faithful and do not tarnish their faith with falsehood are guaranteed security and are guided.

6:83 – This was the argument given to Abraham against his people and he was raised in rank

6:84 – He was blessed with Isaac and Jacob

6:86 – Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot favoring each over other people of their time

6:161 – Say, my Lord has guided me to a straight path (siratin mustaqim), a right way, the way of Abraham (millat-a-Ibrahim), the upright (hanif); and he was not from polytheists (mush’rikina)

Surah 9 At-Tawbah

9:70 – Have they not received the stories of those before them – the people of Noah, Ad and Thamud, the people of Ibrahim, the residents of Midian, and the overturned cities. Their messengers came to them with clear proofs but they wronged themselves.

9:114 – Abraham asked forgiveness for his father, but when it became evident to him that he was the enemy of God, he broke ties with him.

9:115 – God would not consider a people deviant after He has guided them, until He makes clear to them what they must avoid.

Surah 11 Hud

11:69 – Messengers came to Abraham and greeted him, “Peace”. He replied, “Peace” and he made no delay in bringing a roasted calf.

11:70 – When he saw that they did not reach for it, he became suspicious and fearful. They reassured not to fear as they were sent to the people of Lot.

11:71 – His wife who was standing by wondered; then we gave her good news of Isaac and Jacob

11:74 – When fear departed from Abraham and the good news reached him, he began to plead for the people of Lot.

11:75 – Abraham was forbearing, tender-hearted and ever-turning to his Lord.

11:76 – They said – O Abraham, plead no more. Your Lord’s decree has already come, and they will certainly be inflicted with a punishment that cannot be averted.

Surah 12 Yusuf

12:38 – I follow the faith of my fathers – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is not right for us to associate anything with God.

12:66 – 68 Jacob’s wisdom

Surah 14 Ibrahim

14:35 – Abraham prayed to make this city secure and keep him and his children from worshipping idols.

14:37 – He settled some of his offspring in a barren valley near the sacred house so that they may keep up the prayer. He prayed to make the hearts of believing people incline towards them and provide them with fruits, so perhaps they will be thankful.

14:39 – All praise is for God who gave me Ishmael and Isaac. (note, the names Ishmael and Isaac together occur only once in the Quran)

Surah 15 Al-Hijr

15:51 – Inform them of Abraham’s guest

            15:52 to 56 – Messengers visited Abraham and greeted him with Peace. They gave him good news of a knowledgeable son (Ghulam).

Surah 16 Al-Nahl

16:120 – Abraham was a model of excellence; devoted to God; upright (hanif); not a polytheist.

16:123 – Follow the faith of Abraham (millata Ibrahim); the upright (hanif); not a polytheist.

Surah 19 Maryam

19:6 – Who will inherit from me and the family of Jacob, make him acceptable (Zachariah’s prayer)

19:41 – Mention in the Book (kitab), the story of Abraham; he was a truthful man and a prophet.

19:42 to 45 – He asked his father why he worshipped that can neither see nor hear him. He asked his father to follow him and he would guide him to the right path (siratan sawiyan)

19:46 – He threatened Abraham how dare he rejected his idols. If he does not stop, he would stone him. Asked him to keep out of his way.

19:47 and 48 – He said – peace to upon you and I shall pray to my Lord to forgive you. He distanced himself from his father and all that he invoked besides God.

19:49 – When he left them and what they worshipped besides God, he was granted Isaac and Jacob and each was made a prophet.

19:54 – Mention in the Book (kitab) the story of Ishmael. He was a man of his word and was a messenger and a prophet.

19:58 – The prophets whom God has blessed were from the descendants of Adam, those carried with Noah, descendants of Abraham and Israel, and those who were guided.

Surah 21 Al-Anbiya

21:51 – Abraham was granted sound judgement

21:60 – They said a youth (fatan) called Abraham speak of them

21:62 – They asked – was it you who did this to our gods, O Abraham.

21:69 – We ordered – O Fire, be cool and safe for Abraham

21:72 – We blessed him with Isaac and later Jacob; making all of them righteous

21:51 to 73 – Abraham who had sound judgement questioned his father and his people about the idols they worshipped. They tried to harm him but he was delivered along with Lot to a land that was blessed.

21:85 – Ishmael, Enoch and Zul-Kifl were all steadfast (compare with 38:48)

Surah 22 Al-Hajj

22:26 – We assigned to Abraham the site of the House – do not associate anything with Me, and purify my House for those who circle and stand to pray, and bow and prostrate.

22:43 – The people of Abraham and the people of Lot

22:78 – Strive for God in the way He deserves, for He has chosen you, and laid upon you no hardship in religion; the way of your forefather Abraham; Who names you Muslim (one who submits) before and in this Quran; so that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witness over humanity. So, establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and hold fast to God. He is your Guardian and Helper.

Surah 26 Ash-Shu’ara

26:69 – Relate to them the story of Abraham

26:69 to 89 – Abraham questioned his father and his people about what they worshipped. He prayed for wisdom and blessings. He prayed for his father.

Surah 29 Al-Ankabut

29:16 – Abraham said to his people to worship God and fear him.

29:27 – We blessed him with Isaac and Jacob, and reserved prophethood and revelation for his descendants. We gave him his reward in this life and hereafter; he is among the righteous (saliheen)

29:31 – When our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said, they were going to destroy the people of this city for its people have persisted in wrongdoings.

Surah 33 Al-Azhab

33:7 – We took a covenant from the prophets, as well as from you, and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary.

Surah 37 As-Saffat

37:83 – One of those who followed his way was Abraham

37:83 to 98 – Abraham questioned his father and his people what they worshipped.

37:99 to 103 – He left his people and prayed to be granted a doer of good deeds (saliheen). He was given the news of a forbearing son. When the boy reached the age to work with him, he said to his son that he had a dream. He dreamed that he should sacrifice him. The son said to his father to do what he has been commanded. They both submitted and as he placed his forehead down, Abraham was called and informed that he had fulfilled his vision.  

37:104 – We called out to him – O Abraham

37:105 – You have fulfilled your vision. Indeed, this is how we reward those who do good.

36:107 to 108 – We ransomed him with a great sacrifice. And blessed him among later generations.

37:109 – Peace be upon Abraham

37:112 – We gave him the good news of Isaac, a prophet, and one of the righteous (saliheen)

37:113 – We blessed him and Isaac. Some of their descendants were good and some were wrong doers.

Surah 38 S’ad

38:45 – Remember our servants: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the men of strength and insight.

38:48 – Also remember Ishmael, Elisha and Zul-Kifl; all are among the best. (compare with 21:85)

Surah 42 Ash-Shura

42:13 – He has ordained for you the way He decreed for Noah, what was revealed to you, what was decreed for Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Uphold the faith and make no divisions in it. It is unbearable for the polytheists that to which you call them. God chooses whoever He wills, and guides whoever turns to Him.

Surah 43 Az-Zukhruf

43:26 – Remember when Abraham declared to his father and his people that he was free of whatever they worshipped.

Surah 51 Ad-Dhariat

51:24 – The story of Abraham’s honored guests.

Surah 53 An-Najm

53:37 – Abraham who fulfilled commandments

Surah 57 Al-Hadid

57:26 – We sent Noah and Abraham and reserved prphethood and revelations for their descendants. Some were rightly guided while most were transgressors.

Surah 60 Al-Mumtahanah

60:4 – You have a good example in Abraham and those with him. They disassociated themselves from their people and whatever they worshipped besides God.

Surah 87 Al-A’la

87:14 to 18 – the way to success – those who purify themselves and remember God and pray. The deniers prefer the life of this world eventhough the hereafter is better and more lasting. This is mentioned in earlier scriptures.

87:19 – the scriptures of Abraham and Moses